Haru-Karo kingdom (kingdom Aroe) started to become a huge empire in Sumatra, but not known exactly when the establishment. However, Brahma's son, in his book "Karo from Age to Age" says that in the 1st century AD already exists in North Sumatra royal king named "Pa Lagan". Judging from the name it is a language that comes from the Karo tribe (Darwan Prinst, SH: 2004). This becomes a big question among researchers.
In an ancient manuscript of the Karo tribe, we are told that the ancestors of the Karo is Princess Royal Aroe and Umang (which is believed to have physical beings such as humans, but the heel of his foot is in front). However, some say that the tribal elders Karo Karo did not come from the same blood (in contrast to the Toba Batak tribe believed to be descendants of Si Raja Batak).
In the Karo tribe clans there are patrineal (derived from the father / derived from the father) but still bring his clan mothers (Beru mother) called bere. For example, a father surnamed A child and his mother surnamed (berberu) B, then the child is said to be surnamed A bere B. In the Karo tribe clan called merga were etymologically derived from the word meaning meherga valuable, so valuable to society clan Karo.
In the Karo tribe, there are five main clans called MERGA SILIMA. Five main clans are :
- Sembiring
- Ginting
- Tarigan
- Karo Karo
- Perangin-angin
1. Sembiring
Sembiring consists of:
- Kembaren (may take a dog)
- Sinulaki (may take a dog)
- Keloko (may take a dog)
- Pandia (should not eat dog, thought to have come from India)
- Gurukinayan (should not eat dog)
- Brahmin (should not eat dog, thought to have come from India)
- Meliala (should not eat dog, thought to have come from India)
- Depari (should not eat dog)
- Pelawi (should not eat dog)
- Maha (not allowed to eat dog)
- Sinupayung (may take a dog)
- Colia (should not eat dog)
- Pandebayang (should not eat dog)
- Tekang (should not eat dog, thought to have come from India)
- Muhammadiyah (should not eat dog, thought to have come from India)
- Busok (should not eat dog)
- Sinukaban (should not eat dog)
- Keling (not allowed to eat dog)
- Bunu Aji (should not eat dog)
- Sinukapar (should not eat dog)
- Kapour (should not eat dog)
2. Ginting,
Ginting consists of:
- Babo
- Sugihen
- Gurupatih
- Ajartambun
- Capah
- Rice
- Garamata
- Jadibata
- Like
- Manik
- Sinusinga
- Jawak
- Seragih
- Tumangger
- Pase
- Munte
3. Tarigan
Tarigan consists of:
- Sibero
- Embankment
- Silangit
- Old
- Scolds
- Arid
- Gerneng
- Gana-gana
- Jampang
- Chubby
- Throng
- Week
- Primordial
4. Karo Karo
Karo Karo consists of:
- Sinulingga
- Surbakti
- Kacaribu
- Sinukaban
- Barus
- Simbulan
- Junk
- Primordial
- Ketaren
- Gurunsinga
- Kaban
- Sinuhaji
- Once
- Kemit
- Hill
- Sinuraya
- Samura
- Sitepu
5. Perangin-wind
Perangin-wind consists of:
- Namohaji
- Sukatendel
- Mano
- Sebayang
- Pencawa
- Sinurat
- Perbesi
- Ulunjandi
- Penggarus
- Pinem
- Uwir
- Laksa
- Singarimbun
- Keliat
- Kacinambun
- Wake
- Cape
- Benjerang
That whole clan contained in Karo tribe.
In terms of the fraternity known rakut sitelu, Speech Siwaluh and Perkade-kaden the Ten Two plus Sada.
1. Rakut sitelu
In the Karo tribe sitelu rakut position is very important. Rakut sitelu can be likened to a three-legged stove. If one element does not exist, there will be inequality. Rakut consists sitelu
Kalimbubu, it can simply be interpreted wife's family.
Beru child, it can simply be defined as a family to marry
Senina, defined as a family of one clan.
In the Karo tribe, if you held a customary activity, then running custom activities are rakut sitelu.
2. Said Siwaluh
Said Siwaluh Karo society is the concept of kinship, relating to the narrative. Said Siwaluh consists of:
Puang kalimbubu is kalimbubu of kalimbubu Puang kalimbubu a person or a group of the donor virgin kalimbubu
Kalimbubu is the grantor's wife to a particular family, kalimbubu can be further grouped into: Kalimbubu bena-bena or older kalimbubu, namely the pemberiisteri to certain groups considered to be the giver of the family adal wife. For example, A-bere bere Sembiring bermerga Tarin, then Tarin is kalimbubu Si A. If A has a child, then merga Tarin is kalimbubu bena-bena/kalimbubu parent of A. So kalimbubu bena-bena or kalimbubu kalimbubu of parents is the biological father.
a. Kalimbubu SIMADA Dareh is derived from one's mother. Kalimbubu SIMADA Dareh is the brother of one's mother. Called SIMADA Dareh kalimbubu because they are deemed to have blood, because blood is considered they are contained within nephews.
b. Kalimbubu iperdemui, which is used as means kalimbubu kalimbubu because someone marries the daughter of a family for the first time. So someone was being kalimbubu is based on marriage.
Senina, those who bersadara because they have the same merga and submerga.
Sembuyak, literally as meaning one and mbuyak meaning womb, so it means it is the people who are born from the same womb or uterus. But in the Karo term is used for different senina submerga also, in a language called sindauh ipedeher Karo (far to near).
Sipemeren, namely those whose mothers their siblings. This section is supported further by the siparibanen, ie those who have a sister wife.
Senina Sepengalon or Sendalanen, namely the brothers because they have kids the same memperisteri from Beru.
Beru child, means the party who took the wife of a certain family for diperistri. Children can be direct Beru for marrying a particular woman's family, and indirectly through the mediation of others, such as children and young Beru Beru singikuri minister. Child Beru consists again of:
a. Children older Beru, Beru is a child in the same family for generations. At least three generations have taken of a certain family (kalimbubunya). Child is a child old Beru Beru primary, because without his presence in a ceremony made by the kalimbubunya, the ceremony could not be started. Children's also serves as the parent Beru Beru singerana child (as speakers), for ceremonial functions as a speaker and leader of the family in the family kalimbubu in the context of traditional ceremonies.
b. Children cekoh baka Beru cap, ie children who are directly Beru can find out everything in the family kalimbubunya. Son of the immortal sekoh Beru cap is the son of the sister of the householder. For example, Person A was a man, had a sister Si B, then the child is the son Si B baka cekoh Beru cap of Si A. In a child's daily calls Beru called bere bere-mama.
Children Beru minister, the son berunya children Beru. Origin said the minister is from the word meaning minteri straighten. So the kids have Beru minteri broader terms as a guide, supervise and support their kalimbubunya a ceremonial duties. There is also the so-called Beru singkuri children, ie children berunya children Beru minister. Child Beru prepares a dish in the context of traditional ceremonies.
3. The Ten-kaden Perkaden Two plus Sada
The Ten-kaden Perkaden Two plus Sada is a form of kinship kin in the form of call, namely:
- Nini
- Headdress
- Kempu
- Father
- Nande
- Child
- Bengkila
- Aunt
- Candy
- Mama
- Mommy
- Bere-bere
- Add Sada is the people closest to them outside the scope of the family as friends.
Karo adalah karo, jangan samakan karo dengan batak.
Dari bang tarigan